Thursday, 16 August 2012


Stage one Economic: With the economic crisis continuing rent is already increasingly difficult for Generation Y to obtain in areas within close proximity to the CBD.  The Impact of this will result in a large amount of people taking up residency in suburbia and or coastal regions, leaving an abundance of buildings needing space re-activation.

Stage two- Transportation Issue:
If commuting rates to the CBD begin to increase drastically due to living conditions, then the Brisbane City Council will be more inclined to introduce a city tax on drivers, similar to which has been introduced in London. 
Queensland has adopted a driving culture, which is largely due to the levels of segregation we experience in the built environment.  With a need and strong reliance on not only getting to and from the CBD but also transportation within by vehicle, regardless of the tax, the public will still commute.

The commuting public now has to take in to consideration the following expenses to travel to work:
-Fuel consumption
-CBD parking per hour
-Additional CBD driving tax
-Wear and Tear on Vehicle Expenses 
And then there is the factor of time wastage, sitting in severe traffic congestion in peek hour times.

The result of extreme expenditure may encourage many to conduct work from home, taking advantage of technological communication techniques.

This will see a positive decrease in peak hour congestion, however this will have a dramatic impact on the CBD in a economic and cultural aspect due to the general decrease in physical public use of the CBD.

Stage three-Technological Communications: A shift in the way we use the CBD may alter due to City taxes being introduced and the overall expense of commuting.
At the rate in which technological communication is developing it is extremely realistic to suggest that increasing amounts of companies may in fact encourage employees to work from home and touch base via technological networks.

Stage Four – A matter of Time: The current 9-5pm working day will be challenged in the case that working from home becomes more predominant.
Work may be conducted based on a pay package per project with an estimation of hours required and a set due date, rather than based on hourly rates. This would allow home workers to work within their own time preferences towards the deadline. This time alteration will allow the CBD to potentially be utilized for activity purposes between or after the typical 9-5 working timeframes. 

1 comment:

  1. Blog a little thin but a good team effort. More consideration of work & play scenarios might produce more variety of architectural propositions.
